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Several carpenter subterranean termites
Termite Treatment in Wisconsin


Learn about Termites in Wisconsin 
Termite Prevention Tips


Termite Home & Business Inspections
Inspections for FHA, Freddie Mac and VA Loans
Technicians Licensed in 7.3 Termite Certification
Termite Pre-Applications

More Information on NPMA-33 Inspections

Termite Inspection

While Wisconsin’s “native” termites are known to be less aggressive when it comes to home damage, new invasive termites have been appearing in the area with the arrival of landscape timbers and garden mulch.


While they normally wouldn’t survive in Wisconsin’s climate, warmer temperatures as of late are allowing them to inhabit the area year long. That said, with the help of Safeway’s affordable and extensive termite inspection services, we can ensure your potential home is free of termites so you can move forward with the loan process. 

Termite Control

 Identifying and treating termites early can save homes from immense structural damage and massive repair costs. Our team of licensed pest specialists are able to determine the severity of the issue at hand and will move forward to quickly and efficiently resolve the problem.

If the problem is less severe, Safeway offers a simple chemical spray around the border of your home to repel termites. For more severe situations, a full remediation and restoration might be needed.

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